Apr 02, 2007 03:20
Yeah, the last few weeks have been kind of uneventful. I spent most of spring break just sitting around my house doing nothing, and the real only exciting thing to happen after that was my schedule juggling that produced an even more amazing schedule than I started out with.
On MWF I have AMATH301 (basically intro to MATLAB), CSE 373 (data structures for nonmajors), and CSE 190L (Object oriented programming) from 10:30-1:30. Later on, at 3:30 I have CSE 190M (web programming) which I already know pretty much everything they'll teach, so I'll never go to lecture.
Tuesdays I have CSE 190L quiz section which is optional (and ultimately useless), and Thursdays are CSE 190M quiz section, which I already know pretty much everything about.
15 Credits for 3 hours, 3 days a week. Very nice. :)