Last day!

Mar 14, 2007 14:28

So here it is, my last day of work and I have to say... I actually think I'm going to miss this job. Hahaha

I really didn't like taking phone calls and getting bitched at for problems that weren't my fault, but the people I worked with were pretty fun to be around and the job itself was really lazy and easy-going. I'd definitely like to go back and work towards a lead position (more $$$ and not taking all the calls), but I really need to focus on grades next quarter; a 3.5 CSE average should be more than enough to get me into computer engineering, but my cumulative (~3.0) may dampen my likelihood of getting in... who knows.

I can always fall back on math, I guess. They're pretty much always desparate for more students. Haha.
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