More Music

Mar 24, 2006 17:38

I acquired a big pile of music in the last 8 days.

Last Friday I took my substantial profit sharing check and wandered over to the newly expanded My Mind's Eye Records in Lakewood. Charles recently took over the empty space next to him, giving one room for vinyl and one for CDs.

The Black Keys - Thickfreakness - Their sophomore effort is the album that made the Black Keys famous outside of Ohio. I had planned to pick this up at their show in February, but they didn't have CDs there. So I bought it new from Charles instead, making it the first new CD I bought in a store in a very long time.

Then I went and dug through the discount bin. I came up with these:

Warren Zevon - Excitable Boy - Warren has a ton of songs in constant classic rock rotation. I sort of assumed that "Lawyers, Guns & Money", "Excitable Boy", "Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner", and "Johnny Strikes Up the Band" came from 2 or 3 different albums. Nope. They are all on this disc, which makes it a classic rock gem. And I would have bought it for "Lawyers, Guns & Money" alone.

Steve Earle - The Revolution Starts... Now - I like Steve Earle a lot, but aside from one track on a compilation I did not have any of his stuff. This is a solid album, although he definitely has better.

The Black Keys - Rubber Factor - I had also planned to buy this at the show, but they didn't have it, and Charles didn't have it in stock. No problem. xhollydayx & I were at the Greencards concert on Saturday night at the Beachland. It was a good show and I recommend them to anyone who likes country sung by Australians ( *cough, cough* Mom & Dad! ), but I have listened to their CDs at the station and decided I didn't particularly need to pay full price for one.

Afterwards I wandered over to Music Saves. The store cat was hiding behind the counter, and there wasn't much in the discount bin, so I snagged this CD to complete my Black Keys collection. Maybe one day I will snag the split single they did with the 6 Parts 7 or their EP Moan, but only if they are cheap.

Queen - Queen's Greatest Hits aka the red one - I made the comment at work that with the purchase of Warren Zevon I had every letter in the alphabet covered except for "X" and "Q". Yes, my CDs are alphabetized per station rules. Deal with it. Anyway, at this point rishu73 volunteered that he had an extra copy of their Greatest Hits if I wanted it. It is missing the liner notes, but the price was right. I still need Classic Queen aka the blue one, but still that marks one more cassette I can finally dispose of.

On a side note, I forecast the purchase of an X CD in the near future so I can cover the entire alphabet :-)

Jamie Cullum - Catching Tales - xhollydayx and I caught Jamie in concert Thursday at the HOB. It was a very good show and the new material was strong, plus my sister said it was good, so I bought this disc. It comes with a bonus DVD that I will never watch. I understand and approve of the 'value-added' concept that record companies are pushing, but why couldn't they use the Dual-Disc format so that it was all on one disc?

19 CDs purchased on the year. I now have almost 48 CDs on the iPod [ letters A-C, excluding 4 new CDs I purchased with those letters ], but I still haven't found a fix for the mysterious 'iTunes crashing problem' so progress is slow. There's no hurry anyway. I still need to get a portable hard drive for my MP3s before I can convert my entire collection, and quite frankly right now I'm a bit tapped out due to Film Festival. You pay for 10 movies in one week and see how your cash reserves like it.

On an unrelated note - can anyone think of something to link to better than Amazon? I feel like I should direct you to local music stores, but they don't have the album info. I suppose I could link to AllMusic. Better ideas?

concerts, ipod, cds

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