Birdie had her first ever eye doctor appointment today. Given the generally poor eyesight of her parents, aunts, grandparents and oldest cousin, it's pretty likely that she'll need to get glasses one day, but right now her eyesight is great. The aforementioned relatives range from "nearly blind without glasses" to "need glasses for distances" with basically everyone but M on the "nearly blind" end of the continuum (including me before LASIK), so we'll hope that Birdie takes after her mother in this, and frankly in a lot of other things too.
As of yesterday, Birdie was still wearing a
sleep blanket to bed as referenced nearly two years ago. Today, M asked if she wanted to sleep under a blanket instead during naptime. It probably didn't hurt that the blanket in question is a big fluffy Bluey blanket courtesy of M's sister, but whatever the reason naptime went fine, and at bedtime Birdie opted for the blanket again.
In addition to being cozy and warm, the sleep blanket also made it so Birdie couldn't easily climb out of the crib, not that she's shown much inclination in that direction even when she's not wearing the blanket. It's still probably just as well that she's moving to a more standard blanket, as she's already outgrown her summer-weight sleep blanket and the winter-weight is starting to get a bit short for her. Now we don't have to buy a new one. Birdie's three year appointment earlier this month had her growing more than two inches in the last six months, and gaining only two or so pounds, so she's a moderately tall and quite skinny baby according to the growth curves. She's also completely and totally healthy. We're very fortunate, and may we stay that way forever.