You Are What You Eat: August 20 through September 30 (Sabbatical Edition)

Oct 12, 2022 22:47

Streak of not eating inside a restaurant - 918 days and counting (+42)
My new Recipes for the Year: 91 (+0)
M's new Recipes for the Year 21 (+0)

Well, it's been a while. We were out of town for my/our sabbatical from August 25 through September 30, but we weren't cooking any new recipes in those last five days before we left. Nor did we cook any new recipes while we were gone. We did cook quite a bit, but the vast majority of the meals we made were quick and easy with minimal ingredients, as befits something that was thrown together in an AirBNB. We even made some frozen pizzas, not to mention a lot of frozen tamales. We certainly weren't getting fancy or trying anything new, so our "new recipe" counts remained unchanged.

When we were actually house sitting in Los Alamos, our hosts graciously invited us to raid their pantry. The meals we cooked while we were there got slightly more complex, but we still weren't trying out new recipes.

We did eat out quite a bit, both on the road and in Los Alamos, but in keeping with our habit since the start of the pandemic most of those meals were take out or eaten on restaurant patios. We even had the occasional fast food meal as we drove home. The closest we got to actually eating inside a restaurant was a visit to The Shed in Santa Fe, where we walked through a large hallway to the courtyard and sat under umbrellas and could almost pretend we were inside.

By my manual count from my notes, we ate 31 restaurant meals in total, not counting assorted desserts (mostly ice cream) that we had along the way. That's pretty good for 40 days on the road. As you'd expect, most of these restaurants were not particularly memorable, but I'll highlight a few of the better ones as I write up the trip diaries.

The other food based highlight of the trip was that both M and I took turns actually going into grocery stores, since curbside wasn't usually an option. This was the first time that either of us had really been in any grocery store since the start of the pandemic. Granted, we were fully masked up, but still, it was a somewhat jarring experience after spending so many years never setting foot inside a store for any but the most brief direct visits. I've always really enjoyed grocery shopping, so this was actually a pleasant experience for me the handful of times that I did it.

you are what you eat 2022, new mexico sabbatical 2022

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