Cash in the Time of Coronavirus (The Coronavirus Diaries, Part XXIII)

Dec 09, 2021 13:00

Today, I went to the ATM. Given that we no longer shop inside stores and purchase everything on the internet or via curbside, we have used minimal cash the start of the pandemic. We paid $1 for parking at the pediatrician's office on two or three of our visits because some days they don't charge for reasons we have not yet identified. We paid tolls with cash when we went to visit my parents and returned because we don't have a RapidPass. All our tips for food delivery have been on the card, so we're still working on whatever cash we had in our wallets back in March 2020. Since M does most of the driving when we go out together, I've personally probably touched more cash picking up loose change on walks than doing anything else. I never use my debit card for anything besides the ATM, so I had literally not even taken it out of my wallet in the intervening time.

The debit card finally came out of my wallet on Tuesday when I went to the ATM. Naturally, I wasn't going to pull out cash, since at the current rate of consumption I have enough for another couple of years. Instead, I received a paper check in the mail and for technical reasons that aren't particularly interesting I couldn't use the app on my phone to deposit it. I had an eye doctor appointment today so while I was out and about I ran through the ATM near my house to see if that would work. It did. I will now go back to not using my debit card or visiting the ATM for another 18 months.

And because I like random lists, here is the list of different stores I've entered in 2021 excluding Birdie related medical appointments.
- CVS in Fremont for first and second shot
- CVS in Lakewood for booster
- Shoe repair place in Westlake for drop off and pick up.
- Auto parts store in Rocky River for new wiper blades.
- Eye doctor for routine checkup.

I have a dentist appointment later this month. Let me tell you, I am living LARGE this month.

coronavirus pandemic

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