Death in the Time of Coronavirus

Apr 29, 2020 13:00

The father/grandfather of two of my good friends passed away last week. Usually, in times like this you'd go to the calling hours at the funeral home or at a relative's house. Depending on family preference there might be one or more of a wake, a visitation, a funeral, or something graveside. During a pandemic with social distancing in place, the rules are of necessity different.

That's why tonight M and I got into a line of cars that pulled up to the curb at my friend Shari's house. Shari was masked up and standing far more than six feet away from the curb. Her daughter Helen, who isn't in quarantine with her, was in her car on their driveway, more than six feet from both Shari and the curb. Each car in turn would roll down its window for a brief chat before pulling away and allowing the next car to pull up. This then, is one interpretation of the rituals of death during this pandemic. I'd be ok with not having to experience any more before things return to something resembling normal, although that seems improbable.

RIP Clarence. June 22, 1938 to April 21, 2020. I didn't know you well or spend much time with you outside of a memorable Christmas brunch, but your daughter and granddaughter are two of my favorite people.

With apologies to Gabriel García Márquez.

coronavirus pandemic, death

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