For the last many years, the air studio of my radio station has had a calendar hanging on its wall. This is not, in of itself, remarkable. For the last several years it has been a calendar of cute cats or kittens. This is also not particularly remarkable.
As you probably are aware if you've been reading this for any length of time, I am a dog person. Specifically,
Tulip, but in general I prefer most dogs to most cats. My co-host Shari also has a marked preference for dogs, although she has had cats as pets in the past. Last November I suggested to her that for 2014 we should get a dog calendar for the air studio to break up the staid kitten pattern of the past few years.
Shari was much taken by this idea and in mid-December she brought in a 2014 calendar with adorable puppies pictures on it. We hung it up and figured that nobody would object to having puppies instead of kittens grace the walls of WRUW.
The next week when we came in, a second calendar had appeared next to the aforementioned dog calendar. This one had horses on it. We thought this was a bit odd, but didn't particularly care. When 2014 arrived someone took down the old calendar and we'd apparently reached a solid state with two calendars.
The Sunday after that, a third calendar was on the wall. This one featured the Amazing Spider-man. This was getting a big weird, but surely we had now reached the end of our calendar hijinks. We were wrong. One week later, a pig themed calendar was on the wall. We now had four calendars on a patch of wall that previously featured one calendar.
The week after that the calendar status quo remained at four. However, when I came in three days ago, a fifth calendar had joined the others. This one brilliantly had pictures of both dogs AND cats on the same page. Perhaps if we had originally sought that compromise calendar we wouldn't have had the calendar epidemic that now troubles our walls. Alas, I was unsuspecting, and we have paid the price with endless cute pictures of animals. And also Spider-man.
So that's where this situation stands as of this writing. We've got a fistful of calendars on one wall, and it would not surprise me at all if more turned up before all is said and done. On the plus side, if we had five clocks we'd never truly know what time it was, but given the margin of error involved, five calendars still lets us be reasonably certain which day it is.