Last Saturday I ran a 5K. Unfortunately, the chip timer flat out did not work, so I can't point you at the
official results to see my times. Fortunately two of my coworkers ran with me (ok, technically AHEAD of me) and I have a nice t-shirt so I can plausibly prove that I did actually run it.
It was a gorgeous day, sunny but not yet hot. The course itself was a modified out and back with a lot of turns in it. It also had some pretty substantial (for Ohio) uphill grades, including one killer stretch about 3/4 of a mile that was not fun. I did not walk until the two mile mark, but after that I walked three times for about a combined 250 yards. My splits:
1 Mile: 9:15
2 Mile: 19:15 (10:00)
3 Mile: 30:08 (10:53)
3.1 Miles: 31:00
I was probably slightly faster than that as on the way out I crossed the line at 10 seconds. Still, even if I count it at 29:50 this was my second-worst time since I started running last year, surpassed only by the massively hilly
zoo race that ended last summer. Without my finishing kick it would have been worse, but I did catch the only person within 100 yards of me on that final sprint.
I'm not sure of my time was due to the grades, or because I actually haven't been running much this summer. Since
The Color Run I've actually run once, and that for a mere 1.4 miles. In my ongoing efforts to be both bit fit AND have functional knees, I've been biking like crazy. In the same time span I rode 16 times for 286.4 miles. The end result is that my knees don't hurt very much, but I'm not getting faster. It's pretty clear that if I really wanted to run have faster 5K times I'd have to combine both biking and running. I don't personally feel that the marginal decrease in PR would be worth the extra knee pain, so I'm not going to sweat it.
I need to do one more 5K to claim the jacket this year, or two if I don't count The Color Run. Right now I don't have one scheduled, but I'm sure I'll find it sooner rather than later. Suggestions welcome.