Now that we've
had dessert I'm going to add a few notes and wrap this up.
First off, beverages. As I noted
in my original post, beverages included cold water, non-alcoholic
Kedem grape juice and an assortment of wine.
I used the remaining funds to buy four bottles of Cabernet. Two of those bottles were a 2009 Uppercut. I know this because one bottle remained at the end of the night. The other two bottles - well, I know they were cheaper than the Uppercut, but that's about all I know. We finished both bottles and I recycled them without noting the name in writing. It has been lost to the sands of history, unless someone reading this happens to remember it. While we were cooking we also opened a bottle of a truly hideous light pink sweet wine from right near here in Westlake, Ohio that somebody left at my house during a party. It was very much of the "you have to try this, it's horrible" variety, and what remained was finished during dinner.
In addition to the wine, Slivovitz plum brandy shots concluded the evening for a few hardy souls.
The last couple of supper clubs had an excess of food. While many people happily brought home leftovers, I still considered this situation subpar. I attempted to make less this time... and failed miserably. I had leftovers of essentially everything. I even had had a very small amount of leftover brisket and challah. Many people took home leftovers. I clearly need to recalibrate my "food per person" estimates. Who would have guessed that a pound of brisket per person was too much?
The timeline this time around looked like this:
Make Mondel bread.
Make Honey Cake.
Load slow cookers with Brisket.
Vegetable prep for Gefilte fish.
Challah prep.
Grocery store.
Brisket removed from slow cooker to rest.
West Side Market.
Gefilte fish prepared.
Vegetable prep for Indian Matzo Ball Soup.
Vegetable Prep for Winter Roasted Vegetables.
Bake Challah.
Sara arrives!
Light lunch at Aladdin's (we had a big break).
Wine shopping at Rozi's.
Make Indian Matzo Ball Soup.
Brisket goes back in the slow cooker.
Prep and bake Hot Fruit Soup.
Set table.
Guests arrive.
Bake Winter Roast Vegetables.
Epicureans Victorious!
I don't have any idea what I'm going to do for my next Supper Club, but I'm sure I'll come up with some way to top this.