That's a serious question. I've been posting here for coming up on 7 years, and despite that experience I can't really tell you why people are reading this.
I can more or less tell you why I'm writing it - it's convenient for me to have one site where I can quickly find the name of the book I read last month, or the concerts that will be in town next week or the like. This is why such a high percentage of my posts are lists of some kind - lists of
books, of
upcoming concerts,
of ingredients, whatever. But I have no idea what you like to read.
Somewhat scarily, all of the people who I joined LJ to follow have essentially stopped posting altogether. They all got married and/or had kids or just got bored with LJ and moved on to the next new thing whether it's Twitter or Facebook or what have you. Other people have filled those gaps, but I now post more than every single person who was in my group of friends the first year I was on here. Heck, in most months I make more posts than those 25+ people COMBINED. The times have changed.
Anyway, what do you like reading here? Maybe I'll post more of it.