For the first time, in a long time, I have had to start worrying about my internet usage. Greatly. Not since modems were used as the common internet connection have I had to worry about that. But here, you get charged by the mb, or gb. It is not something that occurs to a person in the US, we worry about how fast the internet is, but not caps! not real limits! on how much you can upload and download per month/hour! Not unless you are running a server or a website do you really worry about that, and not even on a daily basis! (think about it, if you had a limit of 2gb per month.... do you know when you have hit that?) Sure, we worry about bandwidth, but you are almost discussing fast v/s not-quite-as-fast.
So, now, I have to really think about what I want to see/download/use. I have stripped out images from my browsing experience (we will see how long that will last). Adblocker, of course is added so that should save me a bit... but that cost me precious mb to download! There is no WAY I am going to be updating my website/portfolio over and over again here. just forget it. I disconnect my internet when I am typing something up... etc.
Interestingly, this is something being discussed all over the world now, internet caps and other bandwidth limits or charging. The question is whether the internet is a basic necessity. Like electricity or the phone. I always thought this was important and relevant, but never until I came here did I realize just how important it is. How much I completely and totally rely on the internet on a daily basis. And just how much I would miss being able to just load any youtube video, even if it is the 100th keyboard cat I have seen this week, without worrying about how much it is going to cost me or my company (that's right, even companies have a limit). The internet should be considered necessity, and it shouldn't have limits. It is constantly growing, and it is up to us to evolve with it (the greater us, including internet providers). It should not be hindered or hobbled. Because I can now honestly attest, browsing the internet with a limit, SUCKS.
If you are interested at all in any info about internet caps and the like, more than just what boingboing posts, check here: they also have an rss feed.