Jan 11, 2008 21:32
I have had my suspicions concerned with regards to the so called 'noble metals' confirmed. My concerns have been voiced, and I have been left to my own devices on the matter. I thought I would have preferred otherwise, but this at least gives me the confidence that I can resolve the problem as I see fit.
An agreement will need to be signed. An oath.
Now that's out of the way... Mostyn has a sister, Heulwen. It troubles me that they seem to be at such odds, from what he tells me, but I don't know what I can do to help them. I would like to get to know her. Befriend her. But what if she's as bad as he says? I want to get along with his family. I like his uncle, and I hope I can like her.
Sol is off in Kitezh with the others. I hope they're all okay. I wish I were there with them, so I could make sure they're okay.
The trip home draws nigh. Soon I will meet with the others, then I will get to see first hand how bad it all is. I haven't been drinking so much lately, either. Patience is wearing thin again.