J2 RPS fic: The one where Jensen wants to sleep (and Jared wants to talk)

Jul 09, 2007 11:12

Title: The one where Jensen wants to sleep (and Jared wants to talk)
Summary: See title :D Pure smut and nothing else.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: JA/JP
Warnings: m/m slash
Word count: 3350
A/N: Set right after shooting of Paley’s. Dear God I wrote RPS! Eeep!
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. JA and JP own themselves. I don’t know them and this is all ( Read more... )

fandom: supernatural, fic: j2rps: one where jensen wants to sl, fic: rps

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Comments 91

lostandalone22 July 9 2007, 06:32:07 UTC
Wow, that's hot. This is great for your first RPS, and I can't wait to read more.


cyndrarae July 9 2007, 09:59:53 UTC
:D Thanks hon! I can't believe I actually wrote it haha..


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cyndrarae July 9 2007, 10:08:03 UTC
Thank you so much hon! :) I'm glad (and relieved) you liked it! You already know I wanted to write something utterly and completely bottom!Jared haha.. think I might have overdone it but you know what the hell :P I wrote it because I wanted to read it heh ;-)

This reminded me of sleep-overs as a kid. You would be having such a good time with your friend that you wouldn't want to let go & fall asleep so you would keep talking.

That's a very interesting analogy. Altho I didn't think of that so actively. My point was to make Jared ask a whole lot of questions (which are in fact coming from an inherent fear/insecurity inside him) and for Jensen to be this really cool, patient lover who takes the time to give him a right and proper fucking just so he would go to sleep lol!! :P I guess you can see that it has all the elements from SPN that I like.. Dean being protective and gentle and Sam being a little tantrum-y and demanding :D

That little, "Uh-oh" just really says it all. Haha yeah :D Am so happy you liked it hon!! :) Altho I'm not ( ... )


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cyndrarae July 9 2007, 17:02:53 UTC
Yeah that one has been recced to me before, it's really well done. She has a very matter of fact manner of narrating a story no matter how serious or kinky or depressive the scenario playing out may be and I like that. And yeah daddycest not my thing either :(

I'm just really attached to the idea of Dean being Sam's protector, dominate, jealous & on top. In real life, Jared & Jensen seem to have opposite personalitites from Sam & Dean. Jared is the outgoing funny one, while Jensen is more shy & serious.You're right about them having exactly the opposite personalities in RL. But you know I could still put my own spin to it, to see/imagine what I want heh ;-) So Jensen is the quiet type right? Perfect Top I say, calm, controlled, reserved, dignified. *nods* And Jared is such a BRAT! :D Always playing pranks, yakking away at three hundred miles per hour, forever restless and gawd his addiction to candy!! He's absolutely the perfect brat! The way Ranger writes dom/sub couples? Jensen and Jared fit her character profiles PUURRRRFECTLY!! ( ... )


insaneboingo July 9 2007, 08:36:54 UTC
ZOMG! MORE MORE MORE! You should totally write more J2, It's hot.

I loved this. And I laughed a bunch at the end.

Absolutely wonderful.

P.S. Please, write more RPS. ^___^


cyndrarae July 9 2007, 10:12:14 UTC
:D Thank you so much sweetheart!! I'm really happy you liked it :) And I'm glad the end turned out as amusing as it sounded in my head heh. You can never be sure how it comes out on paper you know. Write more rps?? yikes :D I will try hon.. it really was a struggle though.. I kept cringing throughout every time i had to type the names "Jensen" and "Jared" lol. But I will try :) cheers hon! *hugs*


insaneboingo July 9 2007, 11:23:50 UTC
If it makes you that cringey then.. um.. write more Sam/Dean? ^_^ I really like your writing and I think I'll like pretty much anything you write.

I just personally like RPS a bunch. Got in a debate about it recently. LoL So I urge people to write it more.


cyndrarae July 9 2007, 13:28:26 UTC
Haha.. I like the fluffy brand of rps. I steer clear of any abusive fantasies in rps. But that's a whole 'nother debate altogether lol.
I actually have one more idea.. and you know I just might write it, won't be as smutty :D But now that it's stuck in my head and with the continued dearth of bottom!Jared fics.. I guess I will :D


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cyndrarae July 9 2007, 10:41:15 UTC
Hey sweetie! :) Thank you so so much for reading and I'm really glad you liked it :D

The sex scene is totally HOT.
You were a gay men in a past life.

LOL!!! OMG that's the best compliment I could have gotten sweetheart!! :) *hugs* It's funny a mystic in India once told me that I was born a guy in my last life.. and i always joke that I must have been gay then haha. Can't believe you said exactly the same thing!! :)

Yeah :D I took digs at them stupid yaoi rules with this piece. For one it's a blatant bottom!Jared tale.. take that you yaoi purists :P:P And I haven't forgotten your rule at all :P There's a colleague of mine and she had red hair and she's known as a.. ahem.. complete slut heh. Every time I look at her I think of what you said LOL! You've ruined me completely!! :P

You are the best hon! Never stop writing because if you did i will be a very sad man!!!!

Awww, thank you so very much hon. You're too kind to me. *hugs* :)


ckll July 9 2007, 09:25:28 UTC
Is this your first rps? That was excellent!! Fun and so hot at the same time. I could imagine them do this chemistry talk :D


cyndrarae July 9 2007, 10:42:24 UTC
:D Thanks sweetie! I'm really glad you enjoyed it.. the chemistry talk just happened by itself haha.. all I wanted to write was the sex! :P cheers hon.


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