Fic: A Heated Affair (J2, Jared/Gen, RPS AU)

Apr 02, 2016 22:09

Title: A Heated Affair
Rating: NC-17
Summary: As luck would have it, he turns out to be an omega. Not only that, he finds himself mated to not one, not two, but three alphas. Jared thinks he might just be the luckiest wolf on earth.
Written for a prompt at SPN masquerade last year: Genevieve pegging Jared while Jensen watches and makes suggestions. After, she watches Jensen fuck Jared. Bonus points for a/b/o dynamics and knotting with Jared as omega, Jensen and Genevieve (or Danneel) as alpha.
Warnings: Very explicit BDSM, bondage, sex toys, supernatural sex practices.
Notes: CW RPS AU. I’ve never written a/b/o dynamic before, but my understanding is every writer gets to do it their own way so… here goes! POV switches back and forth between J&J. PWP, not beta’d.
Word Count: ~4400

Read on: AO3

fandom: supernatural, fic: j2rps: a heated affair, fic: rps

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