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Comments 14

katikat October 31 2011, 19:18:33 UTC
Word, luv. I had the same experience with the XMFC fandom. I pulled back from SPN and all other fandoms and thought, hey, X-Men are established, the fans should be more open minded. Hah! Whatever you say, you step on someone's toes and you get crap thrown at you that you absolutely didn't mean with your words. I became so afraid to say anything at all lest I would be accused of being an f-ing whatever-ist, that I had to leave that fandom too.

So, I just stay the heck away from any and every fandom at all, I squee or pout in my LJ alone. Because I'm incredibly sensitive, even over-sensitive when it comes to stuff like that, I admit that. I have no idea what's going on with people lately, it seems like they WANT to fight and bitch and bash each other. It's sad.


cyndrarae November 1 2011, 09:14:35 UTC
Ah, X-Men was my first fandom. It seems that XMFC has revived it to a great extent, which unfortunately means the wank is also back with a vengeance. I remember how the elitists in that fandom would pride themselves for staying true to the books and comics, and think of the movie fans such as myself as somewhat second-class denizens *rolls eyes*

Do you feel the wanking has gone up too? It really is sad, almost a reflection of maybe the growing sadness or frustration in people's own lives? Dunno... staying away is the best we can do hon.


lizibabes October 31 2011, 20:53:08 UTC
I'm multi fandom and multi shipper...if thers a ship I don't likr I don't read it. So I really don't get peoples need to bash the way they do.
I like ziva in the show. I don't see why people think you need to hate her to like Gibbs/Tony or hate any other female character in a show to like a slash pairing.

I'm sorry all the wank is making it hard for you to enjoy fandom, I guess when given the anonumity the internet provides some people just use it as an chance to be dicks with out any RL backlash

well written rant though, I mainlt swear at my screen when I see wank comms lol


cyndrarae November 1 2011, 09:19:03 UTC
I like Ziva too! AND I'm a slasher, but I don't understand this mentality of hating the females just because you're a slasher.

well written rant though, I mainly swear at my screen when I see wank comms lol

Haha! Yep, swearing works too. Rolling eyes or banging head on desk not so much, only gives you a headache heh :)


ficwriterjet October 31 2011, 22:06:22 UTC
That sucks. :( I have to say I don't think you can escape this kind of crap. Every fandom I've been around seems to have it's share of mean/intolorent people in them. Sooooo... I guess that's not very helpful. LOL Unless it helps to know that there are some of us out there that agree with you, and would prefer a fandom that wasn't full of juvenile wankers.

Oh, and I like Ziva too. I like all the characters on NCIS. :) I don't see why I should have to choose only a couple to like.


cyndrarae November 1 2011, 11:35:04 UTC
I know hon.. part of me thinks it's not right to just sit back and watch these mean/intolerant people ruin a perfectly good fandom for the rest of us. The other part is afraid to jump in and find myself stooping to their level which would be just.. ugh.

Oh, and I like Ziva too. I like all the characters on NCIS. :) I don't see why I should have to choose only a couple to like.

Exactly! I think she is one of the strongest and well-written female characters on TV today.

How you doing hon? Long time! :)


laranlas_keryn November 1 2011, 03:49:06 UTC
Ditto. I love all the characters on NCIS, it wouldn't be NCIS without them! And while I don't necessarily ship anyone I can still read fics with different pairings. The same with SPN, though I am a hardcore backer of my OTP (J2 and Sam&Dean FTW) I can see why fans would ship with with others and if I don't necessarily like it I DON'T READ IT. Hey, look at that. Simple. WHY CAN'T PEOPLE BE SIMPLE?


cyndrarae November 1 2011, 11:37:44 UTC
:D I know right? Live and let live people! And even if they do end up reading something not to their own tastes, they shouldn't forget everyone has a right to express their own tastes in different ways. I really don't get this cookie-cutter mentality.


(The comment has been removed)

cyndrarae November 1 2011, 11:41:17 UTC
Hey.. you're not in SPN anymore?? I left for awhile too but I guess the new season sort of pulled me back in again. *shrugs*

You know you're so right.. I have no interest in clicking on anything this very prolific writer in NCIS has written because I'm so put off by the kind of person (I think) she is.


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