To sign up or not to sign up..

Jan 31, 2011 14:19

Reasons to sign up
1. 4th bigbang in a row - not a bad record to have
2. Haven't written in so long - may help unblock muse
3. bottom!Sam/Jared minority faction - need to contribute :-p

Reasons to not sign up
1. Not that into SPN/J2 fandom these days (Dinozzo on my mind 24-7)
2. RL sucks. Don't have time, possibly none at all in April-May
3. bottom!Sam/ ( Read more... )

rant, rant: bigbang

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Comments 22

hiroyuki_hydex January 31 2011, 09:38:00 UTC
I hope you Reasons to sign up is 3:bottom!Sam/Jared minority faction - need to contribute :-p

English isn't my tongue, please forgive my grammar mistakes.

PS:i very love your fic!! :D


cyndrarae January 31 2011, 12:55:07 UTC
Hehe.. yeah that's a big reason isn't it? ;) Don't worry, I do understand your English. And yes in response to your message - sorry I didn't get to it before - please go ahead. I don't mind you doing the translations so long as you credit and link back to me please? :)


hiroyuki_hydex January 31 2011, 16:14:14 UTC
oh thank you that's so nice of you big hug!
promise I will credit and link back to you

OH,by the way,there are a bunch of Sam girls in our country who worship your fantastic fictions


cyndrarae January 31 2011, 16:30:02 UTC
Haha.. you exaggerate sweetie but thanks :) Its nice to know that the Sammy-love transcends all barriers of country and language!


jennygeee January 31 2011, 10:32:32 UTC
Another reason to sign up:

4. To get back into SPN/J2 fandom - pronto!!!

Make sure its J2 though as I don't read wincest :D

I'm sorry I have no idea who dinozzo is :)))



cyndrarae January 31 2011, 12:59:17 UTC
Hehe.. yeah, well there is that! :) I have only written J2 bigbangs so far so I guess.. I should stick to that if I write at all hehe.. still not sure *sighs*. And oh, this is very special agent Anthony Dinozzo from NCIS - I'm in love! (Again) ;)

... )


jennygeee January 31 2011, 18:08:47 UTC
I think you should do it!!! Sign up :D

I agree he is kinda cute, but so are these - cute and hot :))))

... )


realpestilence January 31 2011, 11:34:16 UTC
Even a rare pairing in SPN still gets more readers than most fandoms, in my experience. I think the most important thing is if you think you can balance the writing against the real life difficulties, and not be too unhappy or frustrated over it.

~obvious advice is obvious \0/


cyndrarae January 31 2011, 16:23:51 UTC
Hey you! Yeah well, its like you pointed out.. that's not the most important reason anyway hehe. What matters is if I'm going to have enough time to fulfill a serious commitment. Whew...


heatherofnight January 31 2011, 12:58:18 UTC
If you're soliciting opinions then I fall stronly in the unqualified Sign Up list category. The under-served bottom!Sam/Jared minority are beggin you.


All of your reasons not to sign up are sane but sanity is overrated.

~ Heather


cyndrarae January 31 2011, 16:25:03 UTC
*hugs* I'm seriously considering it now hon... I just am afraid of making a commitment but not being able to live up to it.


heatherofnight February 1 2011, 13:13:18 UTC
I went ahead and signed up just now despite my better judgment. *grins*

Come on in...the water is fine...



laranlas_keryn January 31 2011, 15:34:20 UTC
Nonnies are dumb. They have no power over us ACTUAL people ;) If you do decide to sign up I'm all for any contribution to the bottom!Sam/Jared fics out there :D:D


cyndrarae January 31 2011, 16:26:42 UTC
Hehe.. thanks hon :) *hugs* I'm thinking.. I'm thinking...


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