when it rains...it pours..

Aug 25, 2005 22:29

i hurt my back at work lifting freight or batteries or something. and now im on workmans comp to get my back looked at. but the doc said im ok to work if i dont lift,push, or pull over 15 lbs. i cant turn, bend or twist either. so im pretty fucked there. i called walmart today and they said m not getting paid for the days im scheduled to work???? so what the fuck..its their fault im hurt. and now im going to lose more money that i desperatly need becuase i cant work. on top of that my right eye is all red and irritated and i had to pay for  prescription eyesdrops that costed 65 fucking dollars for a little tiny bottle smaller than a quarter. and i talked to cyndis gyno today and she told me i might have ovarian cysts and it can lead to uteran cancer because i havent had my period in a year. so i get an appointment set up to actually GO to the gyno..and it will cost 160 dollars just for a 10 minute office visit and 60-200 dollars for the lab. what the fuck. seriously..what THE FUCK! i cant keep doing all this. maxie needs to go get checked for heart worms because rip had it and now im afriad she might have it and if anything happens to her becuase of me putting it off ill never forgive myself. i dont make enough but i make to much for the state to help me out. im so frustrated. ill just take it all one day at a time. im bored right now and wish i wasnt home. i think ill get drunk and go swim in cheryls pool. after taking a muscle relaxer for my back. life sucks sometimes..it really does.

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