So I've been reading a new manga, called
Vagabond. I'd known about it for a while (its a bestseller,) but never got around to it until now and...Im loving it. Its a story about the life of Miyamoto Musashi - the man who wrote the Book of Five Rings, and widely recognized as the greatest samurai of all time, and one of the best swordsmen to ever live.
The story is really captivating, particularly if you like samurai/ martial arts/ traditional japanese genres. But I think what I love most about it is the artwork. Its so pretty. As an artist Im kind of in awe of the mangaka's skill and detail - Ive never seen a manga with so much hand drawn detail; from facial expressions to patterns on fabric to indivudual leaves in the trees. Gorgeous.Absolutely nothing is sloppy. (take lessons, Kishimoto...) Lookie:
this. Lots of colored pages too, which I love. Anyway, its really good. I definitely recommend it, Flist.