The following updates have been made:
-Missing sentence on About the Artist Page has been restored
-Bride's status drop-down menu has been reformatted so Hebrew and English positioning are consistent
-Spelling of "transliterate" has been corrected on the personalization form
-Month of Wedding drop-down has been fixed
-Radio buttons for choosing iggun-prevention have been fixed
-Ashira1 has been replaced with a version that has the names blurred out
-First sentence on Commissions page has been corrected
-Looks better in IE7
Corrections in the works:
-Defining Kalta vs. Itata
-Broken image link in the gallery
Questions I have now that the rest of it has been taken care of:
-What else should I put on my Home Page? I feel like it's a bit bare; what would you like/expect to see there?
-Should I have an image on the landing page of the Gallery? Should it be one of the ketubot or something else?
-It has been suggested that I should put Ketubot in the Main Menu; do you think that would be helpful?
Once again, it's at