Odd Dream - Apparantly, I have super powers on the brain

Apr 23, 2009 08:42

I had a weird dream last night. Maree was in it, and Ronnii was in it...

Anyway, there was a group of god-touched super powered beings called the Break. Or perhaps the event that led to them existing was the Break. Not sure. As the dream started, some of them had gathered with their gods. Apparantly they could store some element of themselves/their power in ashes. Some of these ashes, some year in the past, had been stolen by a human geneticist, who then experimented with them and, well, spread them around. So now there are normal people starting to show their powers, and the Break and the gods are annoyed.

Well, all except their oldest god, who is on his death bed. He just smiled and said the powers were supposed to be shared.

Skip a bit, and apparantly I'm being brought into the group. I think I was supposed to be one of the normal people who had gotten a piece of their powers, but no one ever explained what was going on to me. In fact I was terribly confused. Apparantly the Break wore different robes or something to show their rank, and the robes they put me in had me skipping a level. Ronnii started talking to me about all of the levels, and how she skipped one to, but never the first one... but none of it made any sense because I had no idea what I was doing there.

Then Maree pulled the two of us over, saying she had news, and some sort of big reveal about who this magic woman who'd been causing trouble was... when one of the gods entered the room and all conversation stopped for whatever meeting... which my brain promptly skipped over.

And my brain apparantly also skipped two years into the future. Two years, and I/the new girl has shown no signs of powers. And then there was some weird time travel thing, going back in time, but forgetting that whatever means they had to go back in time wouldn't come back with them. New girl eventually figures something out, which involved blue lights glowing out of the back of the head of whoever they'd gone back to visit. And they got back to their own time, and debated whether this meant new girl did have powers.

(I feel like there's some story kernel in here to be worked on.)


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