This one actually came up on charloft, a writing/character prompt group I've been enjoying. They wanted you to collaborate with another person for how the characters would react to each other, but when I wrote down ten of my own active characters...well, let's just say it got a little silly.
1. Morgan (tragedyofmorgan) - NaNo 2008, Hunter game
2. Liz (aion_liz) - Mutants & Masterminds game
3. Colleen Cunningham - Original writing
4. Ciara Nolan - nWoD Vampire "through the ages" game
5. Carrie de Silva - oWoD Vampire LARP Sabbat game
6. Cleantha - WoW Paladin
7. Josie - nWoD Young Mages game
8. Mindy Shoemacher - nWoD asylum resident
9. Rain - nWoD werewolf game
10. Laine - NaNo 2007 "Zombie Queen"
-Four invites Three and Eight to dinner at their house. What happens?
...I'm a little floored that my elder vampire is inviting an immortal and a crazy person to dinner, but then she did always pride herself on being an excellent hostess, and she actually likes people. Maybe she needs to try out something for her latest club and these two... well, neither is going to be particularly phased by the vampire. They might actually enjoy the novelty of the evening.
-Nine tries to get Five to go to a strip club. How?
Er...that sounds totally disastrous. I think it's a trap. And it wasn't Rain's idea at all, but she had to get the evil vampire somewhere without backup.
-You need to stay at a friend's house for the night. Who do you choose, One or Six?
Okay, so I'm choosing between the houses of my two crazy, violent ladies. Cleantha is always on the move, and doesn't consider anywhere home anymore. Morgan, on the other hand, would actually try and be hospitable. Sure, she's not very social and there's no food in her house, and if things go wrong I could end up on the menu instead, but she'd give having a guest over a good shot.
-Three falls in love with Six, Eight is jealous. What happens?
Cleantha's holy warrior outlook fascinated Colleen, who'd only picked up self defense out of necessity. Mindy, on the other hand, saw Cleantha as someone who could protect her. Who better to protect her from the shadows than a warrior of light? But Colleen was always the social one, the personable one. It was always so awkward with Mindy. And with Colleen there, Mindy knows she'll be ignored. Fortunatly for everyone involved, no matter what the State says, Mindy may be crazy, but she's not that kind of crazy. Problems will likely escalate at some point to the level of cat fight. Which Mindy will promptly lose.
-Four jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue, Ten, Two or Seven?
(I'm amused that this randomly picked the one who actually does jump people in dark alleys!) Definitly Liz. I'd get rescued by a young superhero, because that's what she does. She'd slow down time and get me the hell out of there, and warn me against dark alleys.
-One decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes later, what is happening?
A vampire starts a cooking show - I am seriously giggling here. Fifteen minutes into the attempt to cook, she's covered in spalltered who-knows-what, something is burning, and Morgan's pretty sure she never liked cooking when she was human, anyway.
-Three has to marry either Eight, Four or Nine. Who do they choose?
Colleen definitly picks Rain. And honestly, they do make kind of a cute couple. Which is odd, because everyone was sure Rain was going to end up with that rock star...
-Seven kidnaps Two and demands something from Five for Two's release. What is it?
So the young mage kidnapped the young superhero and wants something from the evil vampire for it? For one thing, I can's see Carrie being willing to give Colleen anything to get Liz. If she wanted Liz, she'd just go in and take her. As for what Colleen would be asking for? I think we have a prisoner exchange going on. Carrie doesn't have something, but rather someone that Colleen wants.
-Everyone gangs up on Three, does Three have a chance in hell?
Against that whole group? Not so much. Though it depends on the approach of the group. If they don't really know how to kill her, or don't really want to, she'll survive it. It'll hurt like hell, though.
-Everyone is invited to Two and Ten's wedding, except for Eight. How do they react?
Everyone is rather shocked at Liz and Laine getting together. Colleen is fascinated and planning to write a freelance piece on it. Josie is wishing them luck in ways only she can and looking forward to the party. Most of the rest of the group is confused. And Mindy... well, she hardly expected to be invited.
-Why is Six afraid of Seven?
Why is Cleantha afraid of Carrie... Holy light with serious anti-undead issues against the evil vampire... But Cleantha has been in her personal war so long that she's overconfident when it come to fighting undead. Carrie can move ridiculously fast. I think it's fear that Carrie will be the one that beats her!
-One arrives late for Two and Ten's wedding. What happens and why were they late?
Well, Morgan did have to wait until sunset, and she wasn't sure she was really meant to be invited anyway.
-Five and Nine get roaring drunk and end up in your house. What happens?
Oh man... I'm staying the hell out of my house with Rain and Carrie drunk! I'll just clean up the mess in the morning. Or call the police in the morning as the case may be!
-Nine murders Two's best friend. What does Two do to get back at them?
Liz captures Rain and turns her over to the same people she turns supervillians over to, because as distraught as she is she will not stoop to that level. And the werewolf probably needs the same facilities as the supervillains anyway!
-Six and One are in mortal danger, only one of them can survive. Does Six save himself or One?
Cleantha would definitly save herself. Afterall, Morgan is already dead. Though Morgan has one hell of a survival instinct, so she'd have quite a fight on her hands.
-Two and Three go camping. For some reason they forget to bring any food. What do they do?
I'm just glad this question didn't come up with any vampires! Liz and Colleen are resourceful. They might not entirely know what they're doing in the woods, but they'd figure out some way to rig some traps or something. And if that fails, well, Liz can call in help.