Show scheduling

Apr 03, 2008 08:35

This post is mostly for my own reference, but if any of my fellow local congoers would like to let me know any I've missed, it would be appreciated.

I'm looking to expand my conventions I attend and/or sell things at. So, I'm making a little calendar of local events (and ones I'll travel to) for myself. I'll edit as I check out what is or isn't still available. I want to go to more conventions, darn it!

- January 18th-20th - MarsCon, Hampton Roads, VA - already past
- April 25th - 27th - RavenCon, Richmond, VA - I'll be shocked if they have room, but I'm emailing anyway
- May 23rd - 26th - Balticon - Dealers room full
- July 11-13th - Shore Leave, Hunt Valley MD - In the main dealer's room - 4/24/08
- August 8-10th - Otakon, Baltimore MD - attend only
- August 29th - September 1st - Dragon-Con, Atlanta GA - on waiting list - sad, sad As of 4/24/08
- September 27th-28th - Baltimore Comic-Con - attend only
- October 4th-5th - Small Press Expo, Bethesda MD - attend only
- October 11th - Fairfax Fall Festival - Application already in
- October 17th - 19th - Capclave 2008, Rockville MD - email inquiry sent
- November 15th - 16th - Fairfax Holiday Craft Show - Application already in
- January 1-4th, 2009 - Magfest, Alexandria VA - gaming con, attend only
- February 13-15th, 2009 - Farpoint, Timonium MD - decide whether to be a dealer again
- February 27th-March1st, 2009 - ShevaCon, Roanoke VA

Katsucon is usually the same weekend as Farpoint, so I'd have to decide. Next year's info for Katsu is not yet posted.
4/24/08 - Updated the status of a couple of shows. I got space at Shore Leave!

On a random note, I had an...odd dream last night. And let me just state for the record that I think it's perfectly reasonable to be whiney and complain that you don't feel good when you're a disembodied spirit standing next to your shot and beheaded body that might or might not recover. (Yup, that's what was going on in my head when my alarm went off this morning.)

dream, conventions, dealer

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