Rebellion three

Jul 10, 2005 18:42

I take a seat and unfold my napkin, place it on my knees and cross my fingers accordingly. First is soup. impecable soup. watered down and running round in my bowl. slurp it down. good. floaters taunt me so a final bowl to mouth motion ends them. next is a reversal of time and by this i mean a regurgitation of thought and space so that what was just consumed must now be unconsumed. up chuck right back into my bowl fold napkin and place among silverware. cross and uncross fingers then stand once again to re-greet and walk backwards towards the door.shuts. in to table, down on chair dirty napkin unfolded and placed among knees. soup. impecable soup. down in one slurp no motion beyond is needed. my eyes turn toward my waiter and i try as hard as possible to send thoughts to him without words. I wait for more preperation to be completed. Ive had twice already what was prepared once and id like twice more what needs no preperation. I speak of my experiences with a meal. nothing more. and to no one but you. you are them and they are a collection of all things not me, as for i am but an infinitesimal portion of a collection of all things not any other one subject. so for this i can say that reaction and targeted action is and will always be relative. 5 among 4 would be pushing laws and regulations so it would take a fool to seek possibility. anything more than recognition of the self is percieved as obsession of the self, where as all things not self-recognition would implicate a void among anything expounded from self perception.
relative. access is provided through consistent perspective balanced with freedom of perception and interpretation. relative.

A full meal inside my stomach. prepared once. consumed in innumerable ways. to say that a compound can only be consumed once and in one way is a relative thought and presents no such absolution to me. but who gives a shit anyway. I write about experiences here, I hope all things not me enjoy them as much as I hate them.
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