Okay, I know I never update on this.
But... I had to do it today so I wouldn't forget this.
I'm the facility manager of ADWAS- right? Yeah, so okay, I did my usual rountine of cleaning but today was an exception. I had a child help me clean up the childrens playroom/bathroom.
I was sitting on a chair just kickin' back for a few minutes talking on my 'kick. The boy was busy cleaning and he saw the trash in the bathroom was full so he took out the bag and then waved for my attention so fratically and I was like what what what?
he said A BUG! Im like huh?! WTF. So I walked over and took a looky look.
Saw a really cute little centipede! MY FIRST ONE EVER TO SEE!
And I named it Centy as I was staring in awe at it....
Then POOF! It disappears! WTF! There's a crack in the trashbin and it crawled right into the wall.
Im like AHHH NO!! So I took off the trashbin that was hanging from the wall. Peeked behind to see where it went. THERES A GAP!
So there's a critter named Centy crawling around the inside of the building.
And this is an conversation I was having with one of my "bosses" on IM.
I wanted to post this coz I thought it was so funny how she reacted to it.
Boz: hi there
Boz: where is the hole in the bathroom that cinty came through to visit you?
Matt: in the first floor chilldrens bathroom
Boz: where in the bathroom. want to tell contractor since he is sending someone on monday to do warranty work
Matt: okay, right behind the trash bin. I'll put a blue tape there and write on it that its behind the bin
Boz: you mean the one hanging on the wall?
Matt: yes
Boz: can you see far into the hole?
Boz: i wonder where centy came in from outside? There could be other critters in there as well?
Matt: there probably are baby critters in there, no idea. and the gap is the width of the bin.
Matt: about 8 inches wide and 1 inch tall.
Boz: holy shit. I'll ask the contractor to find the source of the hole to the outside. this is the best one yet. haha
Matt: haha okay! :)
Boz: have a great smelly vacation. bye
Matt: definately will! you too ;)
Matt: bye
included the pics of it!!! :-D Sadly, not Centy :(