It happens to be a Balog Book. Or a Berk Book. Really. No one can resist the beauty of these books, even your 93-year old blind great grandmother, so don't argue with me.
And you're in luck, because twice in November,
Josh Berk and I will be doing signings together! As I learned from Berk's blog: "We're working up a dance routine, a remix of "Ice Ice Baby" (it goes "Berk-Berk-Balog...") and we juggle while wearing matching scarves. OK, that's all possibly not true, but anyway, please come see us & we'll sign books for you!" Um, actually I happen to think only the last part is true, though if you buy enough copies of our books we may be convinced to do our Vanilla Ice impersonation, like this:
Click to view
Anyway, here are the deets:
November 14, 2010 -- Center Valley, PA
Barnes & Noble (Promenade)
More info: November 21, 2010 -- New Hope, PA
Book signing at Farley's Bookshop!
More info: Word to your mother.