Random Musings

Nov 30, 2019 12:50

This Gradient Test Will Tell You What You Need In Life
You got: Fairness

You believe people should be rewarded for a hard day’s work and you are bothered by wrongdoing on both a large and small scale. You like to be in control of your life and want to be given the freedom to obtain all your goals. But you also crave the satisfaction of knowing there is order in the world, and that people are held accountable for their actions. You fight for a defined set of morals and a strong sense of justice.

The above was a saved draft, not sure where it came from but it is apt.

Ever do something because you want someone else to do something different? But they double-down and continue to do what they were doing? It's a sign, right? That they aren't going to change and if you can't live with it, you should get out.  Someone else will want it.

Ever have someone tell you that if someone would just tell them the Right Thing to Do, they would Do It? But you did that and you got Nothing? Because You Are Telling Them What To Do AND They Don't Like Being Told What To Do?

You start walking out the door and suddenly they want you to stay and will do "just about anything" to get you to stay?

I'm not sure if I'm describing toddlers, teenagers, cats, or male humans.

Everyone wants to be unique. But we have a terrible tendency to do the same things over and over again without regards to the person we are with. They aren't a person. They are just in a role in our lives.

Was watching "Emergence" S1E7 Fatal Exception and the lines "Everyone makes mistakes." "Except you." were uttered. The correct response is "It's better that only ONE person CAN make the mistake than everybody."

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