Sorting hat quiz

Jun 01, 2009 15:36

Your result for The Sorting Hat Test...


You scored 58% Order/Chaos, and 70% Moral/Rational

Orderly Morality. You like things to be ordered, logical, easy to follow - and in addition, you have a strong sense of what is right and wrong that you follow as best you can. Your strength lies in your loyalty to both process and principle, and the carefulness born of this; your weakness is in your potential to follow blindly.

You join others including Cedric Diggory, Ernie Macmillan, and Susan Bones.

The 4-grid I used to determine this is as follows:


Take The Sorting Hat Test
at HelloQuizzy
(Thanks to
obnoxious_muso  , on whose LF I first saw this)


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