Cocktails and Comedy

Feb 14, 2007 09:49

I got kidnapped by Christ Church boys again last night - thankfully a combination of less gin and being allowed to eat dinner meant that I wasn't quite as drunk as last time, and so managed to toddle over to QI at 9.30 to see the comedy stylings (and ever-joyous company) of my good friend Mr  
furryfourfooter aka "bennikins" ;)   
In a happy twist, QI also serve what may just be my new favourite cocktail - it's called Ultraviolet, and tastes just like the parma violet sweets you used to get "in the olden days".

The gig was for charity, raising money for ... orphans in South Africa, I think... (Ben??) In any case for a good cause.  Both acts were good, although my ever-so-slightly biased critique would put ben higher, because I think the guy before him was trying to be too much like eddie izzard and failing.   
I also managed to drag one of the ChCh boys along too, because he couldn't be arsed to cycle home in the rain, and met several thespy friends from years gone by, which was much fun, and facilitated the general sharing of some slightly illicit whisky.
(Some guy had a bottle of Wild tukey tucked in the back of his trousers - I have no idea why, but suspect he'd sneaked it in, or purloined it from somewhere).

All-in-all a delightful slightly sozzled evening - though I eventually rolled in at home at 12.42 am so maybe 'night' is more accurate.

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