(no subject)

Apr 06, 2006 12:49

C/O Edd, another meme.

*What time is it? - 12.49pm.
*Where are you? - In work. Exeter College, Oxford.
*Why are you procrastinating? - Because I don't want to do any more finance, especially phoning CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) cos they're rubbish.

*How do you take your tea? - White, no sugar (I'm sweet enough), but then just as it comes. Preferably in a cup.
*Just who do you think you are? - No-one special.
*What do you want to be when you grow up? - I'm 5'1 (2 on a good day), I'd just like to be grown up. But ideally, a Blue Peter Presenter.
What's your favourite smell? - I don't know... fresh laundry just in from the line maybe.
*Do you like chocolate best, or cake? - Chocolate. Though cake's good too.
*What time do you get up, given the choice, and what do you first? - When I wake up - usually 8-9ish cos my body panics about work. I'd go and wash, obviously - prefearbly a long scented bubble bath.
*What are you worried about at the moment? - What I'm going to do with my life, especially in the near future.

*What's in your CD player? - The album I'm listening to is Room for Squares - John Mayer.
*Name three songs with good memories. - Mambo La Contessa - no idea who it's by (my first salsa freestyle dance), Every Thing She Does is Magic - The Police (just cos), Over My Shoulder - Mike and the Mechanics (many years of trying to whistle along in the car and collapsing into giggles)
*If you could see any band play live tomorrow, which would it be? - Out of The Blue - I'm in the mood to be serenaded

*What's your first memory? - Not sure if it's the first, but being pushed on a swing in our park.
*How big a part of your identity is your sexual orientation? - It's just a background thing, never really registers.
*When did you first realise you were a bit odd? - Aged 5.
*What's your best physical feature? - My figure I guess. Though eyes too, cos they're an odd colour.
*Do you like the way you look? - Yes and no. Figure's fine (though could do with more exercise), but do I like my appearance... no
*When did you last cry? - Tuesday night
*Are you a romantic? - Absolutely - hopelessly in fact.
*Do you have any irrational prejudices? - Mostly rational ones, except perhaps my dislike of exeter college ;)
*Name three nice things that people regularly say about you. - Can't really think of any offhand - I'm in the wrong mood for this question. Don't get regular compliments. But repeated nice things in the past have been... ummmm.... cute (thought that's patronising), good friend/listener... no can't think of a third

*What do you think about the country where you live? Would you live anywhere else? - I currently live in england - it's not home, and I miss Wales. So yes, I'd live at home. Or in Ireland. Or, one day, New Zealand.

*Are you synaesthetic? - No.
*What's your favourite time of day? - Evening.
*What's your favourite thing to eat? - Chocolate
*Do you like Christmas? - Yes
*Are you political? - I like to think not, but if you get me into an argument then you'll find out I am.
*Do you get on with your parents? - Yes.
*What do you wish you could be doing right now? - Sleeping. Failing that, walking on the beach at home with my family.
*Do you get jealous easily? - Depends on the circumstances. Sometimes.
*Are you a risk taker? - Not really.
*Name one aspect of your personality that you'd change. - just one? I'd be less bolshy.
*Are you shy? - Not really.
*What are you proudest of yourself for, this year? - Nothing really. But, um, fixing Exeter's shoddy Development accounts?
*When do you have most fun? - On a dance floor with Latin rhythms playing.
*What's your party trick? - Dancing? Although being cut in half, when my magician's around.

Have you ever -
*Worn drag? - No, unless trousers count?
*Taken anti-depressants? - No.
*Been to India? - No.
*Been to Australia? - No.
*Been on a diet? - No.
*Hurt yourself on purpose? - Sort of (see a bit further below)
*Hurt someone else on purpose? - Once, I pulled someone's hair.
*Experienced existential terror? - Not really, although I have had that "what if I'd died" thing.
*Been seduced by an older woman? - No, though ones the same aged have tried ;). Older man? Yeh, one or two.
*Taken cocaine? - No, why on earth would you?
*Considered suicide? - Yes.
*Told someone you loved them when you didn't mean it? - No.
*Not told someone you loved them when you did? - Yes.

*Name one thing that truly terrifies you. - Snakes.
*How insecure are you? - Quite.
*Are you an atheist? - Heaven forbid.
*What goes best on toast? - Lashings of butter (oh dear, I sound like a boarding school novel), when it's freshly toasted so it all melts...
*Just what on earth do you think you are doing? - Ummm nothing. I'm sorry...
*What do you most regret not having done? - Given up extra-curricular stuff and worked myself into the ground to get a 2.1.
*If you could go anywhere tonight, where would you go? - Home.
*If you could be in someone's arms tonight, whose would they be? - Someone who'll look after me. If I had to choose, maybe one of two people, one's in Chicago, the other might still happen so I won't jinx it. Failing that, at home with my family.
*What do you want to do before you die? - Get married. Start a family. Do something to make the world a better place.
*What fascinates you? - Books. Clever people. All sorts of things.
*What's wrong with you? - Low blood pressure. I'll avoid the list of things associated with my character.
*Do you believe in God? - Didn't I already answer this?
*Do you believe in fairies? - I'd like to - I believe I've pretend to be one in panto :p
*Are you hopeful? - I try to be.

*What time did you finish this? - 13.34 - technically my lunch break, though I'm not actually going to get one - meme completed between dealing with phonecalls.


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