"You were talking about a dress... remember ?"

Jun 19, 2008 15:43


I was not kidding, I'm really working on my "Eleanor's gown". The problem is I make it very slowly, for the painting isn't really detailed (I'm not sure of the shape of the skirt...). So at every step I'm wondering how I will proceed and go forward, I'm wondering about what decision will be right, wich one I won't regret etc.

So, I've been working on it, and I've decided to make the gown in two parts, one for the skirt, one for the top. I will then sew them only in the back and both sides.

Here is the top (he looks weird there but is quite nice on me ^^) :

And here is the skirt :

None of this parts of the dress is finished. Now I'm working on the skirt, for I've some problems with finding the right fabric for the collar. And I still have to make the petticoat, the other petticoat, and the Blanc Corset, and a light shirt well... it won't be finished very soon.
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