Vid Title: Feel so Numb (Dean Winchester vs. Monsters)
Vidder: cylune
Song and Artist: Feel so Numb by Rob Zombie
Category: action, humor, character study
Characters: Dean
Format/length: wmv / 3.01
Summary: Retro look at Dean Winchester vs. Monsters. The vid is only using clips from season 1 and 2.
vimeo link Download Link As this will most likely be my last vid, I wanted to make a fun, action packed vid about a show and a character I love very much. I had fun making it although I had to deal with a lot of frustrating technical issues. I hope you'll enjoy watching and if you do, feel free to post a comment. I really much like that. :)
Also, I've done a Sam vid a few months ago and wasn't really satisfied with it. Therefore I re-did it and posted the new version
here, if you're interested.