Favorite BSG Moments

Apr 04, 2008 12:36

Since today is such a special day, I though of making a Top 27 of my favorite moments (why 27? I don't know!). Of couse these are tainted by my personal favorite characters... so lots of Lee scenes in there!

Inspired by this post

27. Tigh admitting to killing Ellen in Crossroads - Crossroads Part I

Such an intense and moving scene showing how much Tigh is suffering for his actions on New Caprica. I was so angry with him for the suicide bombings (killing your own people... for what???) that he became my least favorite character of the series. But seing his pain in this episode was enough to make me care for him and hope that someday he'll be able to forgive himself.

26. Adama promoting Kat as GAG as she is dying - The Passage

Major credit to the show for making us care so much about secondary characters. And Adama for caring so much about his crew - how awesome was it for him to stand by her in sickbay?

25. Lee taking command of Pegasus - The Captain's Hand

Lee's in command of a Battlestar and does an awesome job at it. This might not be what he really wants but when put to the test, he brought back the Pegasus to the fleet.

24. Out the Airlock - Flesh and Bone

Roslin is showing her true colors and shows she's not afraid bluffing or airlocking cylons to protect the fleet. I love Laura's airlocking tendency very much. :D

23. I'm your friend. I'm there for you - Home Part I

Lee can be such a sweet adorable guy when he wants to. His reunion with Kara in Home was the highlight of this episode for me. I love Kara and Lee when they act like siblings. When they do the houla-houla and being ***holes to their spouses... not so much.

22. Billy and Dee kissing in the miniseries.

After the Apocalypse happened, Billy and Dee are letting us know there's still hope for a future. I was hoping they would start having babies together. I miss Billy.

21. Adama looking at Starbuck's file after her death - The Son Also Rises

Such an emotional scene filled with tears and laughter.

20. Kobol's Last Gleaming's opening sequence

Adama and Lee boxing, Kara and Baltar having sex, confrontation between Helo and Sharon, Boomer contemplating suicide set to an amazing music... What a spectacular way to open an episode.

19. Heart-broken Lee - Unfinished Business

He was ready to comit to Kara 100% but got dumped instead. Call me, Lee - I can make this all better.

18. Romo Lampkin's introduction - The Son Also Rises

What a great new character. So manipulative and perceptive with such a cool demeanor. I want him to be the final cylon.

17. Kara and Lee as Friends (emphasis on 'Friend') - Maelstrom

No matter how frakked up their relationship is, they'll always be there for each other.

16. Bill and Laura's relationship - Unfinished Business

Full of mutual admiration. Will you two just frak aleardy.

15. Bullet or Democracy? - Bastille Day

The reason why Lee became my favorite character... All the idealistic talk is making me very warm inside.

14. The crew naming the Black Bird 'Laura' - Flight of the Phoenix

Made me cry.

13. Destruction of the Resurrection Ship, Resurrection Ship, Part II

The music, the special effects the way it was shown through Lee's POV made that scene so artistic and poetic.

12. Revelations, Crossroads Part II

That was such a OMGWTF moment. The Chief I suspected but Anders? TIGH????? whoa.

11. Kara confessing to Adama about Zak's death, Act of Contrition

Such a powerful scene. It's those amazing character moments that make the show for me.

10. Gaeta interrogating Baltar, Taking a Break From All Your Worries

Baltar was so frakking with Felix's head that he ended up with a pen in his neck. Felix went from hero-worshiping Baltar to wanting to kill the guy... *hugs Felix* Call me baby, I can make this all better.

09. Kobol's Last Gleaming's ending sequence - Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II

I don't think I've ever been on the edge of my seat watching a television show like I was watching this scene. Everything about it was perfect. Everything.

08. Father & son reunion, Home Part II

I love the way Lee buries his face into his father's shoulder. These two care for each other very, very much even though they don't agree on almost everything.

07. Galactica to the rescue! - Exodus, Part II

How awesome was this sequence????

It's not a secret I wasn't a fan of the New Caprica storyline so when they finally got off the frakking planet, I couldn't help but being very relieved. It's a good thing I was watching on DVD and not live because it would have been very frustrating.

06. Adama getting shot by Boomer - Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II

I didn't have season 2 with me when I finished watching this episode... took my boyfriend 20 minutes to go to Blockbuster and rent season 2. I cannot imagine the agony of people that had to wait months for season 2.

05. Starbuck's Return - Crossroads, Part II

I knew she wasn't dead but talk about a kick-ass return.

04. I'm not going to beg - Collaborators

I frakking love Gaeta and I frakking love this show for giving secondary characters meaty storylines. His 'I'm not going to bed' kills me. He's on the verge of bumping Lee as my number 1 favorite character. ETA (May 2): Yep, he bumped Lee. Big time. And therefore this is my favorite scene.

03. Lee's Speech - Crossroads, Part II

Lee might have been a whinny ass during season 3 but this speech??? Makes me melt. I guess you have to hit bottom to raise to your potential. The writers might have finally found Lee's voice, let's hope they don't frak up again with his character.

02. We'd never leave - You Can't Go Home Again

I'm such a sucker for father&son relationships. When Adama said those lines to his son with tears in his eyes - not understanding why would Lee even ask this question and Lee looking so suprised at the answer... my Gods they don't realize how much they love each other. Broke my heart.

01. The Lighter Scene - The Hand of God

See number 2. This scene between Lee and Adama is such a great example of what makes this show great. There might be inconsistency in the cylon mythology, some of the stuff don't really make sense but since this show is character-driven, you're more than willing to forgive those mishaps. It's the characters that are making this show great and the story is serving the characters, not the other way around.

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