Drabble: By Comparison

Dec 07, 2009 09:49

Written for the Trees: White Tree challenge at tolkien_weekly.

Title: By Comparison
Characters: Frodo, Sam
Rating: G
Words: 100
Warnings: None
Book/Source: LoTR appendices.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never could be, no moolah being made. Just passing through.
Note: My first post to this community. :)

Frodo sat on a comfortable patch of sun-warmed grass and watched Sam work on his labor of love.

"It reminds me a bit of the White Tree in Gondor," he said of the year-old sapling that flourished where the old Party Tree once stood. "Well, except this is silver instead of white," he laughed.

Sam sat back on his heels and considered the young Mallorn. "I suppose it does at that," he admitted, somewhat reluctantly. "It's like nothing in the Shire, no denying." He glanced at Frodo and smiled. "But our tree will be prettier. You just wait and see."

lotr fic, drabble

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