Written for
Title: Color Blind
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Character: McCoy
Challenge: 16. Purple
Words: 100
At the urgency in the technician's tone, McCoy stopped what he was doing and hit the intercom button. "What is it, Wilkins?"
"I've just gotten the specimen for Lt. Rjost."
Well, that was fast! McCoy hadn't expected an analysis for at least a day. "And?"
"It's purple!"
"Bright purple, sir."
"You're new to the medlab, aren't you?"
"Yes sir, but I know purple when I see it. Rjost is human. It should be red."
"Humanoid. He looks human enough until you start poking under the skin." McCoy sighed. "Not all aliens have pointed ears and blue skin, son."