Drabble: Doctor Who: The Celestial Toymaker

Nov 24, 2007 17:31

Written for dw100.

Title: The Celestial Toymaker
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Sixth Doctor, Evelyn
Words: 100
Author's Note: Because it's that time of year…

"Oh, good heavens!" said Evelyn Smythe as she stared aghast at the monitor. "That isn't possible!" She pointed toward the fantastic, glittering spires of green and red covered in an icing of snow and ice. "It's a myth! A fairytale invented to entertain small children."

The Doctor shook his head in gentle admonishment. "Where's your sense of wonder? That's exactly what it looks like. The capital city of the planet Noreth Pawl."

"Do you seriously mean to say that Saint Nicholas is an alien?"

"How else do you explain delivering toys to every child on Earth in a single night?"

dw100, dw fic

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