Drabble: Jeremiah

Jan 26, 2007 07:30

Title: Sincerest Form of Flattery
Fandom: Jeremiah
Character: Mister Smith, Kurdy
Words: 100

Kurdy considered the possibilities. The clearing was small enough for a fire but confined enough by trees to hide any telltale smoke. "We'll stay here tonight," he said, dropping his pack.

In almost childlike imitation, Mister Smith also considered the clearing and finally dropped his canvas bag next to Kurdy's.

What is this? Fucking monkey see, monkey do?, Kurdy thought irritably as he stooped down to dig through his provisions.

Smith immediately knelt and began to rummage through his own bag. When Kurdy produced a battered tin of food, so, too, did Smith.

"Will you stop doing that?"

"Doing what?"

stories100, jeremiah fic

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