Drabble: Star Trek TOS

Jan 20, 2007 17:49

Yes, another McCoy drabble for stories_100. But then, how could I let the day go by without commemorating DeForest Kelley's birthday (20 January 1920)?

Title: There and Back Again
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Character: McCoy
Challenge: 94. Journey
Words: 100

No matter how many times Leonard McCoy was transported from the ship or the solid ground of a planet's surface, he'd never be comfortable with having his molecules scrambled and thrown across space like so much biological confetti. Even now, after more than a thousand trips, his stomach always managed to drop several centimeters. The effects of reconstituting his atoms into their original pattern were disorienting at best and downright frightening if you took the time to think about it. Fortunately, he was always too busy trying to prevent himself from losing his most recent meal to think about it.

stories100, trek fic

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