Drabbles: Star Trek TOS

Dec 30, 2006 23:13

More for stories_100. Gee, can any Trekkers out there guess what I was watching today?

Title: On the Outside Looking In
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Character: McCoy
Challenge: 71. Broken
Words: 100

Struggling not to collapse from fatigue and the wrenching pain of the fal-tor-pan, McCoy grimly watched as Spock, newly reborn, spoke to Kirk.

Not even a glance for the man who'd carried Spock's katra; his living essence. A burden that had nearly driven McCoy insane.

What did I expect?

Spock's choice had been one of desperation, not intent. The Vulcan surely meant to bestow that sacred part of himself upon Kirk or another; anyone except his old antagonist. But fate had presented McCoy as the only option.

It hurt like hell, knowing he was simply the means to an end.

Title: Haunted
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Character: McCoy, Kirk
Challenge: 15. Sorrow
Words: 100

"Bones?" Kirk laid a hand on his old friend's shoulder.

"I'm alright, Jim."

But Kirk knew him far too well. "What is it?"

"Nothing. It'll pass."

"Are you in pain?"

"No. And yes." McCoy sighed. "You should know that Spock meant to pass his katra on to you."

"You don't--"

"I do know." McCoy tapped his temple, "He was in here, remember? Spock intended it for his closest friend. You." He snorted. "Can you imagine Spock entrusting his soul with me, of all people?" Blinking rapidly, he turned away. "I was just in the wrong place at the right time."

Title: The Simple Truth
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Character: McCoy, Sarek
Challenge: 79. Truth
Words: 100

"I trust you are suffering no ill effects from the fal-tor-pan," said Sarek stiffly.

"Thank you, Ambassador," replied McCoy. "I'm fine."

"I think not."

"I beg your pardon?"

"A Vulcan's decision as to who shall carry his katra is not one lightly made."

McCoy bristled. "I never implied that it was."

"You misunderstand my meaning," said Sarek. "I know my son, Doctor. There are only two men he would have entrusted with so precious a gift. Only two. No other. Anyone else and Spock would have suffered his katra to be lost forever."

"You're saying--?"

"That my son chose wisely."

stories100, drabble, trek fic

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