Drabbles: Star Trek TOS

Dec 28, 2006 19:57

A few more holiday-ish drabbles for stories_100.

Title: We Need a Little Christmas
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Character: McCoy, Kirk
Challenge: 01. Beginnings
Words: 100

"I see you've decided to join us after all, Doctor," said Kirk with a grin.

"Well, you know what they say," replied McCoy a bit sheepishly. "All work and no play--"

"Makes for a very long voyage."

"Exactly." McCoy glanced around the commissary which had been decorated in festive red and green for the holiday. "Nice turnout."

"They're coming in shifts. I want the entire crew to have a chance to celebrate."

McCoy arched an eyebrow. "A 24 hour party?"

"Why not?" shrugged Kirk. "They've earned it."

"That they have," agreed the Doctor. "I couldn't have written a better prescription."

Title: Sacred Trust
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Character: McCoy
Challenge: 02. Middles
Words: 100

Doctor McCoy spent the better part of the holiday party working the room, mingling with officers and crew alike. As Chief Medical Officer, he knew everyone by name and could carry on a conversation as comfortably as if he were an old family doctor.

To the crew, he was more than their ship's chief surgeon and one of the highest ranking officers aboard; he was someone they could turn to and confide in.

What few realized was that there was virtually no personal 'downtime' for McCoy. He never lost sight of the wellbeing of his charges, even at a party.

Title: Comfort and Joy
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Character: McCoy, Uhura, Chekov, Sulu
Challenge: 03. Ends
Words: 100

"Having a good time?" asked McCoy as he joined the bridge crew by the punch bowl.

"Eet's a vonderful party," pronounced Chekov brightly, having consumed more synthetic vodka than punch.

"Maybe too much party for some," grinned Sulu, keeping Chekov from listing too far to starboard.

"Are you having a good time, Doctor?" asked Uhura.

"I would be, except I seem to be missing something."

"Missing something?"

"A dance with the belle of the ball." McCoy gave her a warm smile. "Would you do me the honor, Nyota?"

Uhura's dark eyes sparkled as she accepted his hand. "I'd love to."

drabble, trek fic

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