62 Icons 1-29 Battlestar Galactica/Actors 30-46 Star Trek: The Next Generation/Movies 47-48 Star Trek: Voyager 49-60 30 Rock 61-62 The Office
(25-28) tng
(46) voyager
(47-48) 30 rock
(57-60) the office
OH MY GOD I HAVEN'T POSTED ICONS IN SO LONG. Since, like, July. HOW HARD DO I SUCK (twss)? My only excuse is...film school is srs business. And I forgot how to icon for a while. And I've been teaching other people to photoshop. And I moved. SO. I PROMISE NOT TO DO THAT AGAIN OKAY ILU GUYS BAI.
Oh and 29 is missing because I had the same icon twice and didn't feel like re-counting.