Jan 19, 2009 21:50
I do apologize 100% because this is almost going to be all bitching. Let me start off by saying I graduated in May, and then in July moved to Macon, Ga. It was an okay move and then...they hired another intern...and to save money we moved in together.
I apologize to my roommates in the past, but she is by far the worst person I've ever met. My life and many others would be so much better without her in it.
I am a slob...ask my parents, ex-roommates whatever I know..but over the past year I have really started to grow up and definitely take more pride in my apartment and places where I live. She takes the cake though.
When we moved in I was allowing her to use my dishes seeing as she brought THREE plates with her...I'm not really sure how we thought that was a good idea...any way...after months of seeing my dishes get stained and caked on messes in them I have finally had enough...my dishes are now in my room...the place if she steps foot in shes dead.
Speaking of rooms...she has a lock on hers because a month and a half into living with me she decided that I guess...I was going to steal her stuff...who knows.
She also has drank my water bottles...so I mark those with some sharpies. She always said oh I bought more water, but she kept it in her car..WHO DOES THAT?? I have never eaten anything of hers...dumb bia.
Next we are in Georgia...she turns the heat up to like 80...our thermostat in our 900 sq. ft apt is 80 ...there is no reason for this at all...and then when we get the electricity bill she goes Why is it so high? WHAT THE F***!!! Because heat costs money...put on some sweats and shut the fuck up.
I have the smaller bathroom and room...so I took the hall closet because my bathroom has ZERO storage...I find out that shes been going in there to get my iron, water and who knows what else...Now I'm tempted to find out whether or not I can put a lock on that door.
Another thing..mind you everything in this apartment is basically mine. In the living room its my furniture and my tv with dvd/wii...my dining room table and my microwave, toaster oven, food storage and utensils in the kitchen...so for some reason if some one breaks into our apartment...its my loss...
Anyway I hate her...moral of the story. I'm pretty sure I've never felt this way about any one in my life. I hope she knows that she will be living off her parenst for the rest of her life.
Whooo....all done.