Oct 10, 2005 13:48
So I'm gonna update an unexciting up date just so that I can say I did.
Nothing too exciting going on...I had a spanish test today that RAPED me hard and fast...and an english midterm...a class I barely go to and I rocked its face off...I have a quiz tomorrow...and I need to make a vocab list...maybe I will do all that exciting stuff after chapter tonite...or maybe I'll go to bed at like 10...hmm wonder if I can do it...
My head is spinning over and over again and every time I think it stops...I look up and there it is.
The annoying feeling of loneliness is settling in...I hate that feeling because then the feeling that follows is always desperation. But I guess loneliness is a good feeling...it can be filled with sleep, studying or waching movies...hmm speaking of movies
was hilarious.
Also I have decided I am a cynical heartbroken bitch...eventually True Love will exisist once more, but as for now...NO..things just don't happen. I never knew myself to get this bad. I've just been pissed off enoughto have it happen. I've definitely decided that love has good and bad times obviously and once your heart heals some what all the bad times seem to disappear and the good ones reappear making you smile and going on your merry way. Well ihope that hurries the fuck up because I look back on all the good times and just say Yea that was a lie.
I don't know why I give my heart away...because everytime I've ever gotten it back its been in pieces I mean WTF I never broke any one's heart...do I have to start trying and then maybe it won't feel so bad what is the deal.
Oh coming to my next point...I HATE LIARS...more than anything in the world...i would rather have my heart broken by the truth than find out a month later and have it broken all over again from finding the truth or just plain being lied to and finding out a bout it. I am a very good judge of character and people....kinda and I am very good at reading people so says Katie...so why the fuck do people continuously lie to me when I have said over and over again that I hate lies...so people SUCK it up GRow Some Balls and TELL THE GOSH DARN TRUTH!
Ok my rant is over