Nov 11, 2006 12:50
I hope N'tasha doesn't read the bottom part cuz I wanna tell her tonight
Had fun with the teachers yesterday.
Had fun with the teacher's friends
back in the day Lindsey Rompa taught me a lesson I never really wanted to learn.
We were keen friends in elementary school
then when middle school came around she was gone
I saw her every now and then and it was ok, she just knew EVERYONE and I knew 1 or 2 ppl.
I asked her how she did that
and she said that she made friends with one person and then made friends with their friends and then that person's friends and then that persons friends and then soon enough the circle just got very wide
it's so inanely simple
but I never really mastered it
I'm gonna chalk it up to standards at that age, when I know good and well that I was just painfully shy
But ya, good fun
Corny lil electronic, or board games made for good times
Margaritas and beer in tow or toe, I don't know how you spell that expression
Came home to an annoying message
more annoying b/c it made my recent "hey I'm cool like Lindsey Rompa" self esteem, go down to, "hey I'm 3rd choice to a pathetic 'i hate life' drunk, w/ lil hope in the world" self esteem.
I can afford to be choosey in my pals. I'm swell and I can do that. I can pick pals who make me feel wanted and valuable. I was supposed to go to IOA with the teachers, but was sick. That night though, lord did they sing my praises and how they missed me and wished I was there.
I don't have a boy, but christ I've got admiration, which is pretty close to love.
I just don't want to waste my time on somebody who really doesn't want to waste their time on me, but rather doesn't want to be lonely.