I know the kind of headache you caused last time you were around, and I'm not lookin' to see it repeated.
I'm not tellin' you to jump off a bridge. Just quit it with the cryptic ghosty comments and get on with your goddamn life, now that you've got one again.
I want to try. I do. I want to forgive him and have my own life and be someone who is really me, really Maddie, and not just a shadow. I do want that, I do.
I don't even know what I'm doing here.
You're alive. Don't take it for granted and spend all your time mopin' around here.
I know that. You loved her, too. I was never good enough.
You're alive, and she ain't. I'm not gonna be part of your pity party. And Cyke payed off his dues to you long ago.
What do you know about it? What do you know about anything? What do any of you know?
I'm not tellin' you to jump off a bridge. Just quit it with the cryptic ghosty comments and get on with your goddamn life, now that you've got one again.
Take it from me: sometimes it pays to forget.
But you're right. I want to forget. How do I do it?
Let go of the goddamn past and make yourself a brand new life.
Stayin' around here's just gonna burn you up from the inside.
I want to try. I do. I want to forgive him and have my own life and be someone who is really me, really Maddie, and not just a shadow. I do want that, I do.
It's hard.
Is it all right of me to say it's cute you're jumping to Scott's defense?
Should I yell at her? I always did think she was loony.
The "poor me" act never works with me, darling. You're going to have to try something else.
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