Oct 06, 2007 07:51
Its become apparent to me, that I need seperate journals. One for the closest of my friends, and the second to be able to be brutally honest in a crowd of strangers. I have so many epic things in my life, the drama never fails to set foot at my darkened door step. If people know some of the things I really think. I'm sure I'd be up shit creek without a paddle to aide me.
Its a never ending quest for acceptance.
I'm so odd to people, but they can't look past my exterior to know that I'm just the same as them inside. Take off the falls, the makeup and the "bad taste" clothing. We all would look normal without makeup, stood side by side wearing a white T and a pair of jeans.
Besides the fact I have no eyebrows. <3
But, whatever the case. I'm looking forward to meeting people and enjoying the unbiased oppinions they have on my life, and everything I have to share about my experiances. This is a new me, behinde the closed doors of my closest peers.
xX Kisses Xx
P.s. If I've randomly added you and you're not sure why. The expanation for this is: I'm here to make some new friends, you obviously caught my eye at some point in your journal. I would like to get to know you better.