Nov 18, 2005 20:31
I went to the house three times today and got quite a lot of stuff done. I got bookshelves installed in the hallway and unpacked quite a few books so I could bring the boxes back home. Then I filled up the boxes with the antique silverware and plates my Godfather passed on to me and drove back up again so nobody accidentally breaks any of that. We also put most of our plants on the windowsills :)
I emptied a lot of closets today (no clothes wardrobes though yet, but most of the other stuff), so this means that after the weekend, not a lot will be left here. The dining table, one couch, the tv, some kitchen stuff and the bedrooms and computers (oh, and do please let me forget that attic). But considering that we really only move next weekend, I think that's not bad. I still have the whole week to drive up there every day with more boxes and stuff. I'm quite happy with how things are going for the moment, even though my shoulders and back are already hurting :P
I got my first (adressed-to-me) mail at the new address, yay! And incidentally also the first Christmas card, lol. But I know the reason why it's so early, so I say, better early than never! Speaking of early, all cards outside Europe are written and shall probably be posted during the weekend as well.
Electricity issue : after several phone calls this morning and trying to get a fax through for half an hour and then more phone calls, I will have electricity this weekend. Not from the provider that I really wanted, who could not help me on such short notice, but with the bloody bastards who were going to cut me off in the first place. Worst part of it, I'm stuck with them for a year. I'm still going to try to get out of it, because I think you have 14 days to change your mind in such cases, if the other provider can help me in that time...
I thought I had something more to say but forgot, oh well, maybe I'll pop up on your friend's list again later :)