Birthday Drama continued...

Jul 11, 2004 00:33

While I'm on a roll, I figure I can spout off about the rest of the shit surrounding my birthday.

So after the aforementioned plans failed, my friends made alternate plans that involved me meeting them early afternoon on the day before my birthday. I ended up at the car dealership early that morning and got a new car which took way longer that I thought it should have so I was quite late for their plans.

(Side note: I have a new car!!! 2005 Escape, Silver, very nice, and my payments are quite a bit lower than what they were!)

So I felt terrible about messing up their plans. I meet them, and to make a long story short...every plan fizzled. So we end up doing things that we would have done on any other normal day.

Since they had no interest in sticking around for my actual birthday which was the next day, but did not inform me of this until that day before, I was left to spend my birthday by myself. I was under the impression that I had plans to spend my birthday with my friends, so I turned down other offers from people to take me out for my birthday because I said, "No, I've already made plans". According to one during a heated argument in the parking lot the day before my birthday, "We celebrated your birthday today, what more do you want?" Hmmm, I'd like friends who value me and don't think that they've "put their time in" by having to hang out with me for an entire evening. Heaven forbid you'd see me two days in a row. I'm not expecting to be the center of their universes, but I do expect my birthday to be mine, full of friends that want to celebrate my day with me.
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