*sighs* I fear she's gone, slipped through my grasp. What's done is done, if she wishes to speak to me, she may, but what she's done, if she has de-friended me, will push herself into lonliness, depression, and suicidal thoughts for good. If this is the Lord's will, may His will be done. I can't change what His will is, no matter how much I want to. This still look promising for her, though. If I give her some space, and some time to think, maybe, just maybe she can have her soul saved. All she has to do is open her heart and mind. Hopefully, then she can at least partially mend some of what she's done wrong. I don't know how many times we've gone over the fact that she doesn't have to hide her thoughts and feelings from us, it's stupid. Maybe Shura-chan's right, maybe we shouldn't be friends if she's not willing to do her bit...I'm not giving in, though, not until I get a sign that God's will has been done.
If you're wondering why I'm talking like this more, it's because I've almost had a second rebirth of sorts. I have yet to keep up my bit with reading the Bible and praying, but I'm finally able to tell someone about Christ. It helps to have known them for a year too. A few weeks ago, during church on Sunday, I felt out of place. I could tell that the Holy Spirit had left me. I was, to be honest, scared and truely alone, no matter what friends I have, I felt alone. I realized what had happened, and gave my heart back to Him immediately, and I actually felt true peace and security. I still feel it. Now, I actually have to read my Bible.
On a lighter note, I've got box 2 of the English St. Seiya DVDs!! They're also making a 13th DVD, which is awesome, because they need to finish the fight with Milo-sama and Hyoga, and the Sanctuary chapter, heck, they need to finish EVERYTHING in that series. Something funky on my DVD though, is that the fight with Shaka and Ikki is really screwy in the last eppie of that...I mean, it won't even play. Thankfully, I got to hear Shaka actually sound like a normal human being in one of Shun's flaskbacks. I absolutely LOVE Milo-sama's English voice. It's got a slight accent, it sounds almost Irish at times, and then it goes and sounds almost British. *shrugs* Ah well, I love it. Though, it would have been even better, if he had Axel's voice or if he had a really thick Irish accent. Ah, I'd be swooning and drooling and what not. Y'know, even if he had a thick British or Australian accent, I'd love that too...Well, I'm happy about that, and I get to eucate another person about St. Seiya. I'm letting her borrow one of my DVDs tomorrow, and if she likes the series, since I have 2 extra DVDs that I got in the first place, I can let her have those. *glompifies Milo-sama* Here's something of Milo-sama, the Pope *coughGeminiSagacough*, and Aioria that I took with meh digi cam; it turned out very well, if I say so myself:
http://s4.photobucket.com/albums/y109/AlcorBado/Saint%20Seiya/Gold%20Saints/?action=view¤t=MVI_0645.flv I also have been stamped as an official Marik Ishtar alongside my Yami Bakura incarnate things.
I can get the links if anyone wants to see the proof of that. You people should go get stamped, it's realy fun.