Just wanted to let you all know that I have set up a new journal here...
swandragon_shop It's pretty self explanatory, and I'm sure it will be more active than this one, though I'll be keeping up on both to a certain extent. Feel free to friend my new journal if it looks like it would interest you.
just a side note - the reason I set up a second journal instead of using this one is out of respect for you - all of my friends - so I don't inundate you with a bunch of stuff you're not interested in seeing.
I'm hoping with a little self-promotion, maybe I can earn a little money on the side - I have a bunch of stuff leftover from my old shop I'll be selling on ebay, and I will be promoting my listings
swandragon_shop, along with some other products (mostly jewelry) from other sites in which I am an affiliate (so far I have a grand total of 1 affiliation). I'll also be putting up general stuff about shit I've bought or want to buy. I'm not part of any pyramid crap or anything like that - I'll only promote shit I really care about - I'm not trying to start a new business, just trying to show people some of the stuff I think is cool. (As for the stuff I'm selling on ebay - well that's shit I thought was cool enough to actually put money out for in the first place, so obviously i liked it at the time - but I can only wear so many rings!)